Illness Policy
Before departing home for school each morning, all parents must assess their child(ren) by answering each question below:
Does your child have any (ONE or more) of the symptoms listed below? If your student has experienced any ONE of the following symptoms of illness in the past 24 hours, plan to keep him or her home from school:  
•    Temperature of 100°F or higher 
•    Body aches
•    Chills/shaking
•    New or unusual congestion or runny nose
•    Headache
•    Coughing
•    Vomiting
•    Diarrhea
•    Unusual fatigue
•    Loss of taste or smell
•    Rash
•    Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
•    Sore throat
*If your student has taken medication to address any of these symptoms, he or she must have resolution of these symptoms for 24 hours without the use of medication before returning to school.  If your student has a documented preexisting condition (i.e., allergies), you should take that into account as you review the above symptoms.
It is our policy to track absences daily.  If your child will be absent from school for any reason (illness, travel, appointments, etc.), please email your child’s teacher to let him or her know.  Attendance is taken by 9:30 am each morning, and any unexpected absence will be followed up on ASAP. 
Please refer to The Children’s Center at Mulberry's Health and Communicable Disease Policy for additional information.  This policy can be found in the Parent Handbook.